Bridgestone Receives Highest Rating in CDP’s Supplier Engagement Rating for Second Consecutive Year

Bridgestone Receives Highest Rating in CDP’s Supplier Engagement Rating for Second Consecutive Year

Bridgestone Corporation has been named to the prominent Supplier Engagement Leaderboard by CDP, a global non-profit that runs the world’s leading environmental disclosure platform, for the second consecutive year. This is the fourth time Bridgestone has been included on the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard with the highest rating A in Supplier Engagement Rating.

The Supplier Engagement Rating is a program that analyzes companies’ climate change prevention and CO2 emission reduction activities across the supply chain, and assigns rankings based on performance and climate change prevention initiatives. The Bridgestone Group put forth its target of reducing total CO2 emissions by 50 percent from 2011’s level by 2030 along with its goal of contributing to global CO2 emissions through reductions across the lifecycle and value chain of its products and services exceeding five times the CO2 emissions from its production activities.

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Bridgestone has defined a vision of providing social value and customer value as a sustainable solutions company toward 2050. In 2020, Bridgestone clearly indicated its long-term environmental target of achieving a carbon neutral state by 2050 in order to contribute to the realization of a carbon neutral society. The Group’s initiatives for reducing CO2 emissions are being advanced toward this goal.


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